Bible Truth Baptist Church 6282 Lake Front Road High Point, NC 27263


Our Adult Sunday School class is taught by Bro. Mike Melton and Bro. Roy Tharington.  Both of these men are a blessing, an encouragement, and a help in scriptural and spiritual growth. 

YOUNG TEEN CLASS (13-19 years old)
Our young teen class is taught by Bro. Tim Dagenhart.  Bro. Tim was raised in a preacher's home but grew up as a lost church member.  By the grace of God Bro. Tim was saved and is burdened to reach the youth before they slip through the cracks. 

JUNIOR CLASS (8-12 years old)
The junior class is also taught by our aged women.  It is made up of both boys and girls in their respected age group.  They listen, cooperate, and learn diligently from God's Word.  Many from this tender age have been saved through the ministry of BTBC.

PRIMARY CLASS (0-7 years old)
The primary class is the youngest class at BTBC.  It covers our youngest toddlers to our K-4, K-5, and 6-7 year olds.  Nursery workers play duel roles watching and training small children on a level that is understanding to them.  Simple task of how to sit in church, learn scripture, and illustrative teaching methods instruct these children for the classes ahead in their near future.

At 10:00 am every Sunday morning, all ages meet in the auditorium.  After a soul stirring congregational hymn, the devotional part of Sunday School starts.  During devotions the Books of the Bible are recited, weekly Scripture memorization is shared, and questions from the prior weeks Bible reading is asked.  These devotions help to develop reading, studying, and learning mechanics that are valuable to the believer's spiritual growth.

Bible Truth Baptist Church
For ever, O Lord, thy word is settled in heaven. Psalm 119:89 KJB